Monday, November 23, 2009

Eventually, the second one hundred (or thereabouts)

Well, so much for hundred words a day. We have had a blip in the sleep schedule, and it seemed wiser to catch what rest I could than to write about my lack of it. So a break was necessary.

And now I find I am having trouble knowing what I want to write about anyway. I am writing sentences, deleting them, writing others, and deleting those. Much like my rare moments of "free time" these days, I have stored up so much for these few minutes, I can't sort out which ones I want to unpack first and end up tumbling around unproductively for the duration. I think tonight is just the warm up, then, getting me here again, and hoping to bring me back tomorrow. Oh, and I have photos to upload - another task for tomorrow...but here's one in the meantime, anyway...our pumpkin at four months...

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