These days it feels like spring, but there are reminders of winter still. And, I'm sure, at least a few grey days ahead yet. For now, though, some lovely sunshine against the window panes.
We've had many many nights of very little sleep and still, somehow, we're functioning. Lots of new things every day. Jaya is crawling now. He put two and two together and learned the right forward motion last week and since then has been learning what it's all good for. He now easily entertains himself beetling from one object to the next, pulling things down on top of himself and bonking his head repeatedly on the floor. We haven't had a splinter yet, but it's only a matter of time. And so, of course, a new floor is our current distraction. Ah, home ownership.
I am definitely in a springtime mood. Lots of ideas and not nearly enough time. I have yet some christmas presents to complete and send (can I still call them christmas presents?) and then on to all the other possible projects. Food, these days, is one of those. Somehow making food for Jaya feels so much more like a project than just a daily chore. Which is a good thing, I guess. It feels like a unique challenge to me to provide this child with his necessary nutrition. Today I made applesauce and rice pudding with toasted sweet brown rice, ground and boiled. And he liked it. Joy! For me, there was granola made last weekend and already almost depleted. My goal for the next couple months is to get far enough ahead of myself that I can start preparing for the return to work - freezing things, starting good meal planning habits, regular vacuuming. Dream big, I always say...
And that's the report on this January morning. Hope you're all enjoying the air out there...