Today I thought a lot about my dad. How much he would have loved to know Jaya and see me being a mum. I spent some time today being sad, and missing him. I imagined a few of the conversations we might have had over the picnic lunch we usually went in for. That always helps, because no matter how sentimental those imaginary conversations start out, I can never quite ignore the sardonic comment he probably would have ended with. And thankfully, that makes me laugh.
And of course, we managed to squeeze in a bit of celebrating for Kels today too, before he went off to tell the world (or at least, Main Street) about his
new bikes. And I definitely also thought, today, about how wonderful Jaya's papa is and what a lucky boy he is to have Kels in his life.
So happy dad's day to all. Hope you all had reason to celebrate or remember or both.