Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Looks like I'm back

Yesterday, Kathy (my friend and colleague who is always looking out for me), made me promise to do something for her. She said, "every morning, I want you to wake up and meditate on the idea that today could be the day". By "the day", she means the day I go into labour with my first child.

So, it's Tuesday, less than four weeks before my due date, and although I had to get up quickly to let the drywallers in (we're living in a construction zone), I did spend a little time with that idea this morning. Somewhere in all of that I've decided to start writing a blog again. So here I am, with a slightly new name, a new format (thanks blogspot!), and, I'm hoping, some new things to say. I'm not sure this is what Kathy had in mind, but since I can't do anything about the chaos around me, I'm thinking a little writing might help organize the chaos within. Or at least get it out in the open to breath a little air.

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