Wednesday, July 01, 2009

What babies know

Today we had proof (if we needed it) that babies do not, in fact, know where they begin and end. I was sitting with Jaya on the floor letting him air dry before putting on a new diaper, when all of a sudden he began to scream. Picking him up, I realized that his had nothing to do with me poking his bellybutton. Instead, it was directly related to the fact that he had a big chunk of his own hair clenched tightly in his fist and was pulling on it as hard as he could. The more he screamed, the more he pulled. I can only imagine he was thinking, in some abstract baby way, that this would make it better. Which of course, it didn't.

Perhaps this is a lesson we could all learn from. If you have been having your hair pulled lately, take a minute to unclench your fist and see if that helps. You just never know what you'll learn from babies...

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Both our boys enjoyed exactly one day each of attempting to pull their hair out and crying in frustration, seemingly unaware that they could simply unclench their fist to relieve the pain.

some bizarre developmental step they go through?

may jaya's hair pulling habit fade quickly...