Thursday, February 11, 2010


Just a short post, with video, to show off our little crawler... He's increasingly mobile - learning how to pull himself up and how to get down again. Unfortunately, this new development has not had the positive impact on sleep that I had hoped - quite the opposite, even. Nor is he eating any more, so I really don't know where he gets all his energy from. But gets it he does!

Anywhere, here's the video to see for yourself...

1 comment:

Sara T said...

One thing I've realized about babies - they're all the same! Sometimes they eat, sometimes they sleep, but nothing really lasts, and before you know it, you're on to some new challenge. We finally coaxed (forced) Zoe to sleep through the night, and now she's waking up at like 5:30 am!!! I am a zombie today : )