Monday, September 17, 2012

A Sheepish Return

Well, here I sit waiting for the next big event in our family's life. The arrival of baby two. And I'm thinking that's as good an excuse as any to update this erratic online record of our little lives!

The story these days is all about waiting.  So far, in waiting, I have frozen, pickled, canned, and dried. I have sewed curtains and mended. I have walked, acupunctured, acupressured, homeopathed, stretched, and shimmeyed. I have spent more time on Facebook than I could have imagined possible. But still no baby.  I suspect the midwives are correct when they say I'm probably a 42 week uterous, so really I still have a week before I'm "late", but's getting boring.

I know in a matter of days (maybe hours? she writes hopefully...) I will wish to be back in this calm before the storm, wondering how I could not have enjoyed it more, and so I try to appreciate and savour. But there's something about waiting for a new life, a new family member, a new person in the world that makes it hard to concentrate on vacuuming!

Ah well.  Perhaps I can find something distracting on YouTube...

1 comment:

Haryuens said...

But you still need to go bowling!!! Xoxox