Monday, December 07, 2009

Some Updates

Made a few changes to the formatting and added a slideshow - so I hope you like it!

I've had cause today, not for any reason except that someone mentioned it, to think about the rapidly upcoming transition from Jaya as a baby to Jaya as a toddler. I don't know when the official change happens, but for me it seems to have something to do with mobility. Since Jaya has been practicing his plank and downward dog for awhile now, and is already schootching himself backward, I'm thinking he may well be crawling soon.

Anyway, it's been interesting today to think about how that's going to feel. Kelsey is certainly looking forward to it as a time for him to have more of an active role. And I am definitely excited about that, as well as just the greatness of every new thing this kid does. But there is a part of me that knows it's going to be hard to watch him take risks with his body and not try to shield him from "danger". I am a far-too cautious person and there are plenty of times I have wished for not only greater courage, but also the kind of body awareness that makes risk taking advisable.

I know a kid who is extremely athletic and comfortable in his own skin and I have no problem letting his climb to the top of the flag pole (which he's done a several occasions the minute I turn around), because I know he's the kind of person who can assess the risk, assess his own abilities and make a measured choice. This is exactly what I wish for Jaya. But being the kind of person who is both unsure of the real risk and untrusting of my own abilities, it's very hard to imagine how to teach these things. Although his dad is much better at that, it's still part of my job too and I realize I need to learn some new things myself as we go along into this. But I guess that's the definition of parenthood, after all...

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