I won't recap, except to say that Christmas was wonderful this year - calmer than most, surprisingly, given the toddler in the house - and filled with just the right balance of making, eating, sharing, giving, eating, receiving, visiting, and eating. Yes, just the right balance. Yum.
And now I'm starting to think of the new year about to begin. I actually love this time of year, starting with the grand gesture to close a year that is Christmas and finishing up with a beginning. At the risk of sounding culturally simplistic, I love that this whole part of the world celebrates together in our own homes and in our own little ways.
The start of a new year, for me, is a full embrace of the cliche of it all. New beginnings, new ideas, new hopes. I make resolutions, not because I think I should be better and January is the only time to make that happen, but because I like the setting of intention and the focusing of energy on some aspect of my life that I think I can enjoy even more. Because let's face it, it's a bit ridiculous how much I get to enjoy my life.
So this year, my intention is to focus our home and family on less consumption and more production. More bread will be made, more recycling of materials into new things we can use again, more creating. Less buying. This last one is really about me, not this family, since I'm the shopper, and it's a hard habit to break. I don't expect this will be the last year I make this resolution. But I do expect to have a good time trying. And you know I won't do it if it's not fun, right?
My second intention is to make more time for myself. I'm putting it in writing now - I plan to get away by myself for one overnight at least every couple of months this year! A recent trip to Seattle with Emma made me realize how much I need this time. I came back with so much more patience and energy. I think this is the one thing that's hard for me about having embarked on this whole partner and family thing so quickly and fully. (and really, it is just one thing, so I'm not actually complaining...!). But for someone used to being on their own, suddenly being so entirely connected to the wellbeing of others can be kind of overwhelming.
So, more bread and time away. What a good year it's going to be!