I have just bought myself a little book in which to write an ongoing list of things I want to get done (I know I have a little empty book just like this somewhere, but finding it is the kind of thing that should be on the list, so...).
My rules for this book are:
1. Only put things on The List that can realistically get crossed off in a reasonable time frame and that I can do myself (no "renovate the kitchen")
2. Only put things on The List that need to be done once (no "walk the dog")
3. No prioritizing - just put it on the list and do it when the mood strikes (if it's really urgent, do it today, don't put it on The List)
4. No feeling bad that I haven't done it yet (put it on The List and it will, eventually, I hope, possibly get done)
5. Start doing the things that are on The List, even if it's slowly and with one hand
7. Every time a whole page of things gets done (that's 14 things, in case you were wondering), celebrate. Take myself out for a beer, have a bath, nap, whatever. Just celebrate.
6. And of course, if it's not on The List, and I've just done it, put it on The List and cross it off.
And that's what I did today.
Something that is not in the book, because it doesn't qualify, is to write here more often. I think the routine of daily writing might be something I need these days, so I'm going to try. I suspect things may get boring fast, so consider yourself warned.
Oh also, there are new photos. Here's one, the others are on flikr...

See you tomorrow!
1 comment:
I had a conversation recently with a colleague about lists. He keeps his on a computer, I on a pad on my desk. My stance is that there is very very little in life that is as satisfying as the act of crossing items off of a list. I like to use a sharpie. Such an act of accomplishment! Whoosh! That item is CROSSED OFF! It is DONE!
So much less satisfying ( I think, though he disagrees) than simply deleting an item off the screen.
Jaya is a doll. So beautiful.
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